Tools & Resources
Featured Tools & Resources
Advocate’s Guide to Talking to Parents/Guardians About Healthy Relationships and Sexual Violence Prevention for Children and Youth
Learning healthy relationship skills is a vital part of sexual violence prevention and sex education, all of which are most impactful when taught together. Parents/guardians…
Healthy Relationships Activity Book
Stopping sexual violence and other forms of harm can feel like a complicated and overwhelming task. Education is an important form of sexual violence prevention.
What Can We Talk About? Common Rules & Regulations
It is important for all members of a sexual assault response team (SART) to understand one another’s different professional and ethical obligations before the team…
Tools & Resources
Safe Harbor Protocol Writing Guidebook
Safe Harbor protocols are developed by multidisciplinary teams within communities to improve individual practices, agency policies, and systems procedures, and to increase collaboration among the…
Safe Harbor Protocol Team Formation Starter Kit: A Guide for New Teams
Minnesota’s groundbreaking Safe Harbor law represents a paradigm shift in how our state views youth who have been sexually exploited—not as juvenile delinquents, but as…
A Guide to Safe Harbor Protocol Project Planning
Communities across Minnesota are coming together to talk about how to respond to sexual exploitation and sex trafficking. MNCASA has been working with teams of…
Authentic Community Engagement in Safe Harbor Executive Summary
A comprehensive multidisciplinary response to trafficking and sexual exploitation requires meaningful collaboration with community members. This report aims to identify how Safe Harbor stakeholders can…
Mapping the Market for Sex with Trafficked Minor Girls in Minneapolis: Structures, Functions, and Patterns
Over the past decade, juvenile sex trafficking in Minnesota has received increased attention from policy makers, law enforcement, service providers, advocates, and funders. In July…
Mapping the Demand: Sex Buyers in the State of Minnesota
This report deepens our understanding of Minnesotans who pay for sex. The goal of this study is to help close a significant gap in research,…
Shattered Hearts: The Commercial Sexual Exploitation Of American Indian Women And Girls In Minnesota
The topic of this report is the commercial sexual exploitation of American Indian women and girls in Minnesota, including but not limited to sex trafficking.
Minnesota Student Survey
Since 1989, the Minnesota Student Survey (MSS) has been administered every three years to students in regular public elementary and secondary schools, charter schools, and…
Minnesota Youth Sex Trading (MYST) Project
The Minnesota Youth Sex Trading (MYST) project uses actionable research to identify prevention opportunities, guide systems change, and promote wellness among youth. The project is…