Tools & Resources
Featured Tools & Resources
Advocate’s Guide to Talking to Parents/Guardians About Healthy Relationships and Sexual Violence Prevention for Children and Youth
Learning healthy relationship skills is a vital part of sexual violence prevention and sex education, all of which are most impactful when taught together. Parents/guardians…
Healthy Relationships Activity Book
Stopping sexual violence and other forms of harm can feel like a complicated and overwhelming task. Education is an important form of sexual violence prevention.
What Can We Talk About? Common Rules & Regulations
It is important for all members of a sexual assault response team (SART) to understand one another’s different professional and ethical obligations before the team…
Tools & Resources
Human Trafficking in Minnesota: Labor and Sex Trafficking
Human trafficking is a human rights violation that involves the exploitation of a person for labor or sex. Human trafficking is both a global and…
Helpful Prevention Information and Tools
Sexual violence prevention can seem very complicated and feel overwhelming, but MNCASA is here to help make things a little bit easier. You can learn…
Glossary of Sexual Violence Terms
This glossary contains common terms, definitions, and acronyms related to sexual violence and system response, such as the criminal legal system or in healthcare.
Deaf Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence
While limited research exists regarding the prevalence of domestic and sexual violence within the Deaf community, it is known that Deaf individuals experience violence at…
Preventing and Responding to Domestic & Sexual Violence in Later Life
This special collection brings together selected materials related to preventing and responding to elder abuse and abuse in later life. It draws from the work…
Adverse Childhood Experiences in Minnesota Executive Summary
This report marks the first time that the Minnesota Department of Health has collected data regarding the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on the…
Safe Harbor Protocol & Systems Response
MNCASA is dedicated to developing the practical tools and offering comprehensive resources to support you in building your knowledge on the topics of sexual exploitation…
Safe Harbor & No Wrong Door
MNCASA is dedicated to developing the practical tools and offering comprehensive resources to support you in building your knowledge on the topics of sexual exploitation…
Understanding Sexual Exploitation & Trafficking
MNCASA is dedicated to developing the practical tools and offering comprehensive resources to support you in building your knowledge on the topics of sexual exploitation…
Stop SV Technical Package
The CDC’s STOP SV Technical Package highlights five strategies that assist communities in preventing and reducing sexual violence. These prevention strategies focus on protective and…
The Spectrum of Prevention
The Spectrum of Prevention was developed by the Prevention Institute and recognizes that creating widespread changes will take more than increasing…