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February 26 / 1:00 PM–2:30 PM CST

Responsive Services for Trans Survivors: Meeting Needs Amid a Culturally Challenging Shift in Time

Today’s anti-trans cultural climate, filled with policy changes and overt violence, is both increasing the amount of victimization trans/nonbinary individuals are experiencing as well as making it more difficult for survivors to receive low-barrier, trans-competent, affirming, and respectful services.   Cultural shifts and state-sanctioned hate not only impact survivors, but also staff, organizations, communities, and systems.


This session will briefly review some historical barriers for trans survivors in accessing post-assault services, before delving into more recently emerging barriers tied to beliefs, bias, and legislation.   Content will include the related health implications, including minority stress, changes in social determinants of health, trans-specific ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences), and complex polyvictimization.  A discussion of intersectional, currently-charged issues – such as reproductive healthcare, immigration, gun safety – will highlight the compounded harm that many trans survivors and service providers are experiencing.


Attendees will leave with concrete actions they can take to increase safety (for trans survivors and victim service providers) and provide culturally responsive, adaptive victim services (especially when working around systemic barriers).


Learning Objectives

  • List 3 types of anti-trans cultural or legislative actions that are impacting trans survivor’s lives.
  • Describe the impact of the current culture on survivor and provider safety.
  • Name 2 actions you/your agency can take to reduce harm and increase services to trans survivors in this current climate.



ASL interpretation is available upon request. Auto-captioning will be provided. Please let us know how we can make this webinar accessible to you when you register.



michael munson

michael munson is the co-founder and Executive Director of FORGE, an organization focused on improving the lives of transgender individuals by building stronger connections, providing resources, and empowering growth through knowledge. FORGE is a national training and technical assistance provider funded in part through the Office for Victims of Crime, the Office of Justice Programs: Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Office on Violence Against Women, the National Institutes of Health, and the Department of Health Services. Munson’s educational background is in psychology, with an emphasis on trauma-informed care and non-traditional healing modalities. His work on violence against trans and nonbinary individuals stresses the intersectionality between complex components of identity, experience, and societal constructs that can both spur violence, as well as catalyze healing for individuals and communities. He is passionate about engaging professionals to embrace these complexities and learn key skills to better serve their clients/constituents.


This work is supported by Grant 15JOVW-22-GK-04025-MUMU awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this program are those of the trainers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.
