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Resources Spotlight: Transgender Survivors

While at the National Sexual Assault Conference in Washington D.C. I had the opportunity to attend a really great work session focused on providing services to transgender survivors of sexual violence. The presenter, Michael Munson, is the executive director of Forge. Michael offered a really friendly and very informative session (with no shame or guilt) on how to start better serving trans survivors. It can be really hard to have conversations about under-served populations without worry, guilt, or shame attached to them and Michael did an outstanding job. During the presentation, I found this clip they shared to be very enlightening and maybe you will, too. What was most surprising to me was that Forge is a national technical assistance provider. Forge offers a bunch of publication and resources as well as trainings. If you find that your SART is struggling to start tackling issues related to transgender survivors, get connected with Forge!

Know of any other really good resources for working with trans survivors? Share them in the comments!