Public Policy

Public Policy
The Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault is a coalition of member organizations and individuals who share a goal of working toward a society free from sexual violence. As a statewide coalition, MNCASA both represents the interests of its members and serves as a voice for those members in the areas of policy and systems change.
Check Out Our Policy Agenda
Want to learn more about MNCASA’s policy work? View our policy agenda and track different bills we support.
Current Issues
MNCASA works on a wide variety of issues that impact victims/survivors of violence. These are our current issue priorities for 2022, aimed at preventing and addressing violence on a state and national level.

MNCASA's Legislative Priorities
Want to learn more about MNCASA’s policy work? View our policy agenda and track different bills we support.

Get Involved with Policy
Are you interested in taking action to support our policy work to prevent and end sexual violence? Learn more about what policy work is and different ways to take action.
MNCASA News and Policy Updates
Breaking Barriers with Language Access: Strengthening SART Services
By Madeline Gonser Welcome to the Rural Realities Blog! This post focuses on the importance of language access in ensuring that all victims/survivors, including those…
Engaging Tribes as SART Members
By Nigel Perrote Introduction For this month’s Rural Blog, SVJI wanted to take some time to focus on the intersection of Rural Communities and Tribal…
Thank You!
By Fatima Jayoma Welcome to the Rural Realities Blog! We wanted to express our gratitude to everyone who joined us for the Rural Sexual…
We need your support to drive transformative culture change and create a world world without sexual violence.