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STOP Administrators

STOP Administrators

The Sexual Violence Justice Institute (SVJI) provides technical assistance, training, and important resources about sexual violence (SV) response to STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program (STOP) Administrators.

We support the unique and important role STOP Administrators play in facilitating and leading change in their states or territories. SVJI provides support as you work to improve sexual violence response and towards meeting and exceeding the STOP sexual assault set aside.

STOP Training and Technical Assistance

STOP Administrators can access TA in multiple ways. Opportunities available include:

We provide individualized support aimed at strengthening collaboration with sexual violence stakeholders, meaningfully including sexual assault in the implementation plan process, subgrantee monitoring, and meeting the sexual assault set aside.

We host Connection Calls dedicated to creating space for STOP Administrators to connect and create communal strategies for addressing sexual violence in their state/territory.

We offer webinars and trainings to support STOP Administrators in addressing barriers to meaningfully funding sexual violence services and programs in their state/territory, introducing new resources and tools, as well as hearing from other experts in the field.

STOP Administrator Sexual Assault Set Aside Orientation

Click to schedule your virtual sexual assault orientation meeting. This is intended to support new STOP administrators by providing focused guidance on the STOP program sexual assault set aside.

The STOP Academy

The STOP Academy is an online learning module on the need-to-know foundational and advanced issues for STOP and SASP Administrators in the response to sexual violence. This course is designed to help improve the sexual violence response in your state or territory.

How to Access the Academy

  1. Click this link.
  2. Select “Sign Up” in the upper right corner and complete the information.
  3. Begin exploring and learning by choosing from our three courses!
  4. Share with other professionals!

The STOP Administrator Listserv can be used to stay connected between activities, ask for insight, and stay up to date about upcoming engagement opportunities.

We offer resources for review and download covering various subjects from meaningful funding of coordinated response teams, community needs assessments, and information on emergent issues in our field. Click the link below to access our STOP resources.

Getting Started: Recommended Reading

We recommend starting with the following resources:

    1. Sexual Violence Fundamentals: Must Haves for a Meaningful Response to Sexual Violence
    2. Using STOP Funding to Meaningfully Address Sexual Violence
    4. CFR Title 28 Ch I Part 90


We facilitate connections with diverse experts in the field that can support STOP Administrators in meeting the sexual assault set aside and the needs of their plan, their team, and their state/territory.

Contact us for more information about STOP and SASP trainings and support.

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