
Board of Directors

Elena Anderson

At Large Member, Greater MN

Johanna Bolte

Partner Program Member, Greater MN

Evett Ellis

Secretary, At Large Member, Greater MN

Heath Focken

Partner Program Member, Metro

Alla Hassan

At Large Member, Metro

Dr. Steven D. Parker

At Large Member, National

Noushin Shafiee

Treasurer, At Large Member, Greater MN

Nicholas Taylor

Interim Chair, At Large Member, Greater MN

Joyce Tofte

Partner Program Member, Greater MN

Xay Yang

Partner Program Member, Metro

Join MNCASA's Board

The anti-sexual violence movement benefits greatly from the guidance and leadership of board members. As a statewide coalition, MNCASA is dedicated to supporting and representing community-based advocacy agencies across the state while working with individuals, collectives, and organizations to create a Minnesota where communities are transformed through safety, healing, and accountability. Our goals are to:

  • Assist victim/survivors in gaining the response, support and justice they deserve;
  • Enhance practice and inform systems in addressing sexual violence;
  • Challenge and change the systems that allow sexual violence to thrive;
  • Train and provide resources for those providing community advocacy work;
  • Prevent sexual violence in all of its forms; and
  • Challenge all forms of oppression and actively support equity for all people.


MNCASA is strong when we have board members who reflect the communities we serve; bring their skills, expertise, and passions to ensuring the duty of care, duty of loyalty and duty of obedience for the organization.

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