Hunter Beckstrom

Contact for:
- Prevention
- Trafficking & Exploitation
Hunter Beckstrom (he/him) is the Prevention Program Coordinator at the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault. Since joining in 2020, Hunter has focused on developing community-level, primary prevention strategies that are rooted within approaches of anti-oppression. Hunter strives to uplift and build capacity for the diverse and comprehensive prevention projects MNCASA members are implementing throughout the state. He also demonstrates how direct services providers can embed prevention efforts into their response.
Hunter has been a part of the anti-violence movement since 2015 when pursuing his bachelor’s degree from Winona State University. He has also received a Master’s degree in Gender & Women’s Studies from Minnesota State University, Mankato.
When not at work, Hunter enjoys walking around the many lakes of the Twin Cities, traveling, reading, spending time with loved ones, and making plans to one day have a small hobby farm with tons of animals.