Get Involved

Prevent Violence
We can all take steps to prevent violence. If you want to cultivate change in your community, start by watching our Rosemary Pledge video and taking the Rosemary Pledge!

Learn About Public Policy
Are you interested in taking action to support our policy work to prevent and end sexual violence? Learn more about what policy work is and different ways to take action.

Donate to MNCASA
We are a statewide coalition driving transformative culture change. We envision a world free of sexual violence in which all human beings are treated with dignity and respect and communities are transformed through safety, healing, and partnerships. Will you stand with us?

Become A Member
MNCASA couldn’t exist without our members–members make us stronger and help shape the resources and services we offer. Whether you are a direct service provider, allied organization, or someone who wants to work with others to support victims/survivors and prevent sexual violence, we invite you to join the coalition!
Upcoming Events
Member-Hosted Event: Open House (Sexual Assault Services)
Open to everyone & family friendly. Meet our team & learn about our positive impact on the community. Light refreshments will be served. Wednesday,…
Member-Hosted Event: 40-Hour Training (SOS)
SOS – Sexual Violence Services are hosting a hybrid 40-Hour Sexual Assault Advocacy Training. Individual online training includes pre-recorded sessions, readings and quizzes that will…
We need your support to drive transformative culture change and create a world world without sexual violence.