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Get Involved in Policy

There are many ways to get involved with MNCASA’s policy work to prevent and end violence in Minnesota. Policy occurs at the federal, state, and local levels, and each level has a different scope and methods for engagement.

Ways to Get Involved in Policy Work

Learn more about what policy work is and the different ways to get involved using our Policy 101 resource.

Contacting elected officials is one of the most important ways you can advocate for policy change. View our “Talking To Your Elected Officials for Beginners” resource and use the links below to find out who represents you.

  1. Minnesota: Who represents me?
  2. National: https://fiscalnote.com/find-your-legislator
  3. Meeting with Your Legislator for Beginners: https://www.mncasa.org/prevention/prevention-tools-resources/

Register to vote, find your polling place, view your sample ballot, and more:

Learn more about how to become a candidate in local or state elections.


Sibling Coalition-Hosted Event: In-Person Native Focused 40-Hour Sexual Assault Advocacy Training (MIWSAC)

Registration is now open for MIWSAC’s next FREE virtual  Native Focused 40-Hour Sexual Assault Advocacy Training!  Please register at https://miwsac.coalitionmanager.org/eventmanager/TrainingEvent/Details/124.   12:30-4:30…

Contact us for more information about policy trainings and support.

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