Glossary of Sexual Violence Terms
This glossary contains common terms, definitions, and acronyms related to sexual violence and system response, such as the criminal legal system or in healthcare.
Common Sexual Violence Terms
Criminal Legal Terms and Acronyms
Common Acronyms
A&D: Probation arrest and detention warrant
ADC: Adult detention center
BAC: Blood alcohol content
SANE – sexual assault nurse examiner
BCA: Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
CSC: Criminal sexual conduct
DNA: A medical term for genetic code
DOC: Department of Corrections
HRO: Harassment restraining order
LE: Law enforcement
LEC: Law enforcement center
MNCASA – Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault
OFP: Order for protection
OJP: Office of Justice Programs
PD: Public defender or police department
PO: Probation officer
PSI: Pre-sentence investigation
ROR: Release on own recognizance
SA: Sexual assault
SAFE: Sexual assault forensic examiner
SO: Sheriff’s office or sex offender
SVJI: Sexual Violence Justice Institute
UA: Urinalysis