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Prevention Work In LGBTQ Communities featuring Guest Writer Johnanna Ganz

First, I am not the sole authority on the LGBTQ community. There are many voices and many identities that I do not represent.

Ways of Knowing and Ways of Listening: Lessons from St. Croix Technical Assistance

Last week, I had the privilege to spend time on the island of St. Croix working with the amazing SART that has begun doing the…

SART Foundations: Mission Statements, New or Revisited

Through doing work with SARTs, one of the key things that helps orient the group and keep the work grounded is a mission statement. Sounds…

Using Reflection to Help Choose Goals: Assessing the State of the State

Everybody has opinions. It’s just a fact of life, right? When thinking about SARTs, everybody has opinions on the things (1) going well (2) going…

Weigh In Wednesday: Nuggets of Knowledge from 2016

It’s the New Year! People are ready to leave behind 2016. Which means, everyone feels a renewed sense of commitment and purpose, right?! With that…

Human Trafficking Awareness Month: The 1,2,3

January is right around the corner. January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Many programs are beginning to host events or engage in other efforts…

Resource Spotlight: Victim Rights Law Center

I had to take this week to provide the December resource spotlight for the Victim Rights Law Center. This fabulous organization works to provide legal…

The Shiny Problem: Focusing Your Team through Key Questions and Agency Commitment

As a SART coordinator, one of my major gripes was around the problem of what I began to refer to as shiny things or the shiny problem. All…

Weigh In Wednesday: Keeping Your Team Motivated

It’s the most wonderful time of the year as a SART leader…the time of constant “out of office” replies as well as weather, stress, travel,…