
Focusing on What Matters: Prioritizing Sexual Violence over Substance Use

As sexual assault response teams (SARTs) and other multi-disciplinary teams work through best practices and approaches to sexual assault cases, teams begin to see patterns…

Resource Spotlight: AEquitas

AEquitas’ mission is, “mission is to improve the quality of justice in sexual violence, intimate partner violence, stalking, and human trafficking cases by developing, evaluating, and…

SART Foundations: Addressing Alcohol and Victim Blame

One of the major challenges I hear from teams everywhere, especially if there is a campus environment, is the issue of how alcohol affects the…

Weigh In Wednesday: Alcohol and the SART

Maybe it’s the fact that Saint Patrick’s Day is coming up. Maybe it’s the steadily warming weather of Minnesota that makes me dream of sitting…

Resource Spotlight: SVJI Evaluation Tool

We talked about assessing the state of the state in the last post. I wanted to provide you all a resource to help you and…

SART Foundations: Who Should Be On My Team?

Building your SART can be a mixture of planning, luck, and unexpected twists. Sometimes, it’s a straightforward process and all of the people who want…

Weigh In Wednesday: What Does Partnership Mean to You?

It’s February, which means it is the month of relationships. The month of non-stop talking about relationships—whether they are good or bad or blissful or…

Prevention Work In LGBTQ Communities featuring Guest Writer Johnanna Ganz

First, I am not the sole authority on the LGBTQ community. There are many voices and many identities that I do not represent.

Ways of Knowing and Ways of Listening: Lessons from St. Croix Technical Assistance

Last week, I had the privilege to spend time on the island of St. Croix working with the amazing SART that has begun doing the…

SART Foundations: Mission Statements, New or Revisited

Through doing work with SARTs, one of the key things that helps orient the group and keep the work grounded is a mission statement. Sounds…