
Using Reflection to Help Choose Goals: Assessing the State of the State

Everybody has opinions. It’s just a fact of life, right? When thinking about SARTs, everybody has opinions on the things (1) going well (2) going…

Weigh In Wednesday: Nuggets of Knowledge from 2016

It’s the New Year! People are ready to leave behind 2016. Which means, everyone feels a renewed sense of commitment and purpose, right?! With that…

Human Trafficking Awareness Month: The 1,2,3

January is right around the corner. January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Many programs are beginning to host events or engage in other efforts…

Resource Spotlight: Victim Rights Law Center

I had to take this week to provide the December resource spotlight for the Victim Rights Law Center. This fabulous organization works to provide legal…

The Shiny Problem: Focusing Your Team through Key Questions and Agency Commitment

As a SART coordinator, one of my major gripes was around the problem of what I began to refer to as shiny things or the shiny problem. All…

Weigh In Wednesday: Keeping Your Team Motivated

It’s the most wonderful time of the year as a SART leader…the time of constant “out of office” replies as well as weather, stress, travel,…

Agreement Isn’t Always Positive: the Power of Conflict within Rural Teams

Coming from the upper Midwest and living in some version of the rural Midwest most of my life has really shaped my view on conflict.

Adverse Childhood Experiences: Trauma, Resiliency, and Breaking the Cycle

I  first learned about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) a few years back while I was a direct service advocate working with survivors of various forms of violence. I…

Resource Spotlight: The Iceberg of Conflict

While reading up on conflict, my office mate came across a great concept of the iceberg of conflict. This concept illustrates that the conflict we…

Conflict Styles in Your SART

As we addressed last week with the weigh-in Wednesday question, conflict can be a scary thing for many folks. However, we all experience conflict at…