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Get Them to the Table: Creating Buy-In Through Finding a SART Champion

Hi folks! We here at SVJI@MNCASA have had quite a few technical assistance (TA) requests around some teaming basics. We’re so excited to connect, provide…

SARTs and Their Areas of Impact: Systems Procedures and Interagency Collaboration

The final areas of impact for this month are some of the more intangible/bigger ones. When we are talking about Sexual Assault Reponses Teams (SARTs)…

SARTs and Their Areas of Impact: Agency Policies

The next area of impact for this month is agency policies. When Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs) are working towards systems change, many see the…

MNCASA Seeking Nominations and Interested Candidates for the Criminal Sexual Conduct Statutory Reform Working Group

MNCASA is thrilled that in accordance with our policy agenda, the legislature created a Criminal Sexual Conduct Statutory Reform Working Group (CSCSRWG). This multidisciplinary group…

SARTs and Their Areas of Impact: Individual Practices

When Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs) are thinking about where to start making improvements and changes that will positively impact the victim/survivor experience, many folks…

SARTs and Their Areas of Impact

Over the last three years, I have gotten a lot of questions from teams who are proposing a whole bunch of big projects and side…

MN Legislature Passes Much of MNCASA’s Sexual Assault Policy Agenda

Saturday, May 25, 2019: The Minnesota Legislature passed, in special session, the Public Safety/Judiciary Omnibus Bill. This bill includes numerous amendments to existing statutes as…

Accessing Information from ALL survivors

Now that we have gone through the role of victims/survivors, and how to best support them as they provide valuable feedback and suggestions to your…

Resource Spotlight: Victim Centered Definitions and Guides

Sometimes, when we are trying to explain what it means to be victim centered it can help to turn to outside sources for more information. While you…

The Role of Victims/Survivors on Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs)

Guest Post by SVJI Intern: Nikki Hanto Many Sexual Assault Response Teams are beginning to talk about how to best include victim/survivor voices in the…