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Implementing Trauma Informed For Your SART Members

Working in sexual violence response is deeply rewarding and also, deeply draining work. Each day, we listen to and support those experiencing high levels of…

Resource Spotlight: Rebecca Campbell’s Neurobiology of Trauma Webinar

When I’m working with teams or new team coordinators, I always recommend that everyone watches Dr. Rebecca Campbell’s webinar on the neurobiology of trauma. She…

SART Foundations: Incorporating Trauma Informed in Your Team

Sexual Assault Response Teams across the U.S. and the territories are becoming more and more focused on the concept of being trauma informed in their work—meaning that…

Weigh-In Wednesday: What Does Trauma Informed Mean to You?

Working in and around sexual violence, we are bound to run into the phrase trauma informed somewhere. As a technical assistance provider to Sexual Assault Response Teams,…

Growing Towards Justice For All—Addressing Oppression in Our Work

I want to talk about an incredibly important issue that is challenging to discuss on our SARTs, in our communities, and in our work: oppression.

Resource Spotlight: Praxis International

As we are discussing growth mindset and making changes in our approaches, Praxis International is an excellent resource for rural grantees! Praxis helps those doing work…

SART Foundations: Building the Framework of Growth and Improvement

The Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) is capable of magical things, when SARTners are all working together to coordinate better responses. I was recently out…

Weigh In Wednesday: Reimagining Failure and the Growth Mindset

There’s been so much written on the ways in which failure can be a positive—sometimes, it seems like delusion and other times, it is comforting.

Weigh In Wednesday: Why Did You Choose a SART?

It’s the first Wednesday of the month, which means it’s weigh-in time! Many communities and service providers talk with me about what prompted them to…

Resource Spotlight: Case Review Toolkit

Over the last several years, SVJI has worked to learn best practices and find better ways to complete case file reviews as a strategy for…