Community Green Dot Training Preparations: Partnerships are Key!

Would you like to contribute to a safer community? Are you someone who believes they can actively make a difference? Then the upcoming Community Green Dot training might be just what you need! Green Dot is a nationally recognized strategy proven to create safer environments. Through this training you will learn how practical steps you and your partners can take to reduce violence.

MNCASA will be hosting a  Community Green Dot to Minnesota this Spring! However, it is never too early to start engaging and recruiting your community teams! Since Green Dot is a team based training we are asking folks to connect with community partners and create a team. Fret not, we are here to provide some insight and guidance on how to do this.

Know the basics

Start by getting yourself familiar with Green Dot and it’s concepts. To learn more about the Green Dot strategy click here. You can also read this summary report on the research done on Green Dot. Knowing this basic information will help you talk about Green Dot to potential partners and increase their buy in. (Adrianna Perez, MNCASA’s Prevention Program Coordinator, is also available to answer your questions at

Helpful tips about teams

Effective prevention takes partnerships and community efforts. This is why Green Dot requires teams to attend their trainings. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Partners: Green Dot requires partnering with a variety of outside organizations. Partners help implement Green Dot in your community by reaching different audiences and perhaps opening different doors. When thinking about potential partners, think outside the box. “Unexpected messengers” who promote prevention can be really helpful (e.g. local restaurants or businesses, construction, retailers, church groups, clinics, etc.) There is no limit to the number of organizations that can be on your team, in fact the more the merrier! When developing a team think of people who believe that violence is a problem, want to know how to prevent it, and have the community connections to help do so!

    Here is a brief document with some examples of successful Green Dot adaptations in community settings to help boost your outreach ideas.

  2. Team Size: Green Dot teams can vary in size. Some members may provide presentations, while others help set up meetings, etc. Teams are encouraged to bring as many team members as they see fit to best serve their community, please keep in mind a minimum of 3-5 people is highly encouraged for the MNCASA training opportunity.
  3. How to Gather Team Members: Some of you may already have go-to partners, but you can always expand your reach. Think about people in your life or organization that have supported anti-violence efforts. Think about who your current team members have relationships with and encourage them to reach out to their unique networks. Invite potential partners over for a tour of your facility, call them on the phone and let them know how you appreciate what they bring to your community, or take them out for coffee. This Stakeholder Conversation Practice worksheet can help with engagement and recruitment conversations with your potential team members! Think of it as an easy cheat sheet for building connections and partnerships.


MNCASA is always here to provide more guidance and to help brainstorm community partnerships.