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Engaging New Members: Part 2

Fatima Jayoma | Rural Projects Coordinator at SVJI @MNCASA

Happy Wednesday! Last week, we started a blog series on engaging new members. If you haven’t already, check out that blog post.

Since SARTs are intentionally built and rely upon relationships, team member turnover can also significantly impact the SART. So, what happens when there is a new member? To keep the team moving forward, coordinators and/or team members should be ready to share information about the SART.


  • Communicate meeting information (date, time, and location of meetings)
  • Discuss individual and agency role
  • Share SART mission, vision, and MOU
  • Share current SART goals, tasks, and projects

You can read more about developing turnover plans here.

Additionally, here are some resources that you can share with a new team member:

If you have questions or need training/technical assistance around engaging new members, please reach out to us at [email protected].