Make Change: Systems Change for SARTs

When SARTs are working through the systems change process, most SARTs love to jump straight into this phase without taking time to learn—most folks believe they already know the answers! In some cases, this is true. However, we encourage you to move onto the second phase only after you have Assessed the Status Quo. Because, without good information, it’s hard to make good, intentional changes that will have lasting impact and meaning for our agencies as well as victims/survivors. Being intentional and well-informed is critical during this phase.

The Make Change phase in the 3 Phases of Systems Change is where using the information you collected from ASQ, you prioritize and select what needs to change about the response to sexual violence. As a planner, this is my favorite phase because you get to plan out what good work you are going to do and how you are going to go about accomplishing it! A lot of folks struggle to think of what kinds of changes they may make, here is a quick list of types of changes I’ve seen SARTs make after learning what their team and communities most needed!

  • Interagency protocol development/revision
  • Training to meet knowledge and practice gaps
  • Changes to individual practice
  • Changes to agency policies
  • Team development
    • Mission, timelines, etc.
  • Development and adherence to victim-centered approaches

Regardless of what strategies you use to enact change, the most important part is that you have developed concrete changes that are embedded into practice and policy. Additionally, you should select changes that you can measure for impact. Because, after you make change, you move into Phase 3: Measure the Change!

There are many ways to make change happen in your sexual violence response. If you have questions or need ideas, reach out to us at SVJI. We’re here and happy to help.