MNCASA Board Announces New Executive Director

On behalf of the MNCASA Board of Directors, I am pleased to announce our selection of Artika Roller as MNCASA’s next Executive Director.
Artika Roller brings twenty years of direct service experience serving women and children in the fields of domestic violence, sex trafficking, and sexual violence. She holds a BSW from Metropolitan State University and a CPMSW from the University of Minnesota. In addition, she is a graduate of the Executive Leadership Institute, from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Schools of Business and Social Work. She also completed the Minnesota Victim Assistance Academy, through the Minnesota Office of Justice Programs and St. Cloud State University.
As the former Program Director of Women’s Advocates Shelter and the PRIDE (From Trafficking to Promise, Recovery, Independence Dignity and Equality) Program, Artika played a key role in public policy advocacy and helped lead the legislative advocacy for the Safe Harbor “No Wrong Door” model for minor victims of sex trafficking and the current “Safe Harbor for All” policy advocacy. Roller was most recently employed with Hennepin County Department of Health and Human Services, where she lead the development and strategic planning for their child, youth, and community well-being engagement efforts.
The Board and staff are excited for Artika to join MNCASA’s leadership team in early December, and invites you to help us welcome her in the coming months.
And finally, the Board would like to thank Hannah Laniado, who has served as MNCASA’s Interim Executive Director for the last ten months. Her incredible leadership, support, and dedication to combating sexual violence in Minnesota is clear and evident, and our state and movement are fortunate to have her. Hannah will continue her work with MNCASA in the role of Associate Director.