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New Year, New Opportunities for Your SART

Welcome to a new decade! The New Year gives us the opportunity to reflect on the past and look toward the future (It is 2020, after all).  I generally avoid making New Year’s resolutions in my personal life, but I do always take this time to look back and  take stock of what I’ve done over the past year as we plan the next. For SART leaders, I think both are important: reflecting on the past work of the team and doing intentional planning for the year to come. This is a great time to capitalize on the hope and motivation that often comes with the New Year to engage your team and think about what you can do to better serve victims/survivors. This month on the blog, we will share some ideas for both reflection and moving forward. If your SART (or you as a SART leader) have already set some goals for the New Year, please leave them in the comments! Sharing is a great way to inspire others.