
Urgent Action Needed: Contact the Public Safety Committee and Ask Them to Pass A 90 Day Sexual Assault Kit Testing Timeframe

We need your help to pass HF2034—legislation that will mandate a 90 day sexual assault kit testing window! The prompt testing of sexual…

Breaking Barriers with Language Access: Strengthening SART Services

By Madeline Gonser Welcome to the Rural Realities Blog! This post focuses on the importance of language access in ensuring that all victims/survivors, including those…

Engaging Tribes as SART Members

By Nigel Perrote Introduction For this month’s Rural Blog, SVJI wanted to take some time to focus on the intersection of Rural Communities and Tribal…

Thank You!

By Fatima Jayoma Welcome to the Rural Realities Blog! We wanted to express our gratitude to everyone who joined us for the Rural Sexual…

Statement on Minnesota Supreme Court Ruling That State Agencies May Be Liable for Sexual Violence by Employees

The Minnesota Supreme Court has ruled that a state employer may be held vicariously liable for sexual assault by a state employee if the…

Statement on US Supreme Court Ruling on Homeless Encampments

Last week, the Unites States Supreme Court ruled that imposing a ban on homeless encampments does not violate the Eight Amendment protections against cruel and…

Collaborating with Colleges: Part 2

By Aubrey Sampson Welcome to the Rural Realities Blog! Last week, we highlighted key points that teams should be aware of when collaborating with colleges…

Collaborating with Colleges: Part 1

By Aubrey Sampson Welcome to the Rural Realities Blog! This month’s blogs highlight engaging colleges and universities in your SART! The role of institutions of…

Developing and Sustaining Meaningful Partnerships

By Fatima Jayoma Welcome to the Rural Realities Blog! This blog is about meaningful collaboration with community partners. Sexual assault response teams (SARTs) build relationships…

Commentary on Groundbreaking MN Courts of Appeals Ruling On Emergency Contraception and Sex Discrimination

Last week, the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled that a pharmacist refusing to provide emergency contraception committed illegal sex discrimination. This groundbreaking ruling is the…