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Possible Assessment Questions for SARTs and Systems Change

This week, we would like to share a list of possible assessment questions. Madison Cutler, the Minnesota SART Program Coordinator at SVJI @MNCASA, put together this list for SART teams across the state of Minnesota. If you have any questions about this blog post, reach out to us at svji@mncasa.org. Next week, we’ll start a blog series on forming curious questions.

Possible Assessment Questions for SARTs and Systems Change

Madison Cutler | Minnesota SART Program Coordinator at SVJI @MNCASA

Before you have participants ready to take part in your assessment, it’s a good idea to have the SART put together a list of questions to ask the participants. These questions should be guided by the mission of the SART and the intention of the assessment.

What Should I Ask?

Asking Victim/Survivors About Sexual Violence Response:

  • For those who have experience with [enter agency], how was that experience? What was helpful? What could have been done differently?
  • For those of you who [did/did not], what are some of the factors that went into your decision-making to/not to report? What ultimately made you decide to follow the course you did?
  • Suppose you were in charge and could change the way things currently operate, what would you change?

Asking Community Members About the Sexual Violence Response:

  • What comes to mind when you hear the words “sexual violence”?
  • What are some beliefs and attitudes about sexual violence you have heard in your community? Do you think these are accurate depictions?
  • Who do you think are perpetrators of sexual violence? What descriptors would you use?
  • Who are victims/survivors? What descriptors would you use?
  • What are some of the steps and services that would be helpful in working to prevent sexual violence?
  • What services would you direct someone to who has experienced sexual assault? What services do you think are missing? Are you aware of any gaps in services?

Asking Service Providers About Their Sexual Violence Response:

  • How do sexual assault cases typically first come into contact with [insert agency]?
  • What are the most difficult parts of your job when dealing with sexual assault cases?
  • How well-prepared are you to address sexual assault cases in your job?
  • Think of a sexual assault case that didn’t end with the best possible outcome. What changes, if any, might have positively impacted the outcome?
  • Can you think of one or two things a response team could work on that would make your job easier or more efficient?