Prevention and SARTs: Introduction

Recently, we here at the Sexual Violence Justice Institute hosted the webinar SARTs and Prevention: Considerations for Team Leaders. I wanted to pull from that conversation to talk about prevention with our blog readers! Many sexual assault response teams want to do prevention work. Often that takes the form of community education and outreach presentations. SARTs can be a useful forum for doing prevention work, but in the coming weeks, we will discuss some things that teams have to think about beforehand, including:

  • Does this work fit within your team mission?
  • Is your team the best group in your community to do this work?
  • What will the prevention work look like?
  • How will you reach a common understanding of prevention with your team?
  • Are there things, such as funding, that would limit your ability to do this work?

Let us know if there are other things that you think teams need to consider before beginning prevention work in addition to, or as part of, their systems-change work!