Resource Spotlight: Are We Ready?

When thinking about Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) engagement, we always need to think about how we ensure that folks are prepared to engage in the work of the SART. We here at SVJI frequently get questions from folks who are considering creating a Sexual Assault Response Team in their local community. One of the first things I ask folks is, “Have you assessed community and individual agency readiness to take on the work of the SART?” This question is really designed to get to the heart of thinking through all the implications and needs involved in developing and sustaining a SART. Making sure your partners can engage and sustain a team is crucial to the responding agencies and to change the experiences of victim/survivors in your community. SVJI developed and frequently uses a readiness assessment tool with communities. The survey walks folks through the major considerations for a traditional team and really looks to the many levels of engagement.

Do you have other tools you have used to assess your community readiness for SART development or team engagement? Please share in the comments!