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Resource Spotlight: SVJI’s NEW Protocol Template

I am excited to share with you all a new resource that SVJI created to help teams in protocol development. We work with a lot of communities around the country and protocol development is often an integral component to their formation and ongoing work of SARTs. As a norm, these protocols are highly detailed lists of each disciplines roles and responsibilities, along with some team focused information. Despite the extraordinary investment of resources to complete and approve protocols, we have seen that many communities still do not achieve the critical systems changes the protocol was supposed to achieve. I have talked to so many teams and each time I come to the realization that while these sorts of protocols have a use, they are missing some of the core things a team should be working towards.

Protocol template web image

To help teams use their protocols as a strategy for systems change, we decided to try something new: a response-focused protocol instead of a discipline-specific protocol. Protocols should serve as one tool to improve and refine individual practices, agency policies, and systems procedures; the protocol is also a tool for increasing conversation and collaboration among the disciplines that respond to reports of sexual violence. This way of thinking means a protocol is a reference guide of highly focused but generalized information.

You will find that the content and sections have been designed to concentrate on best practice of the most critical response points. For example, what are the essential components to an initial response, regardless of who is responding? Through this paradigm shift away from discipline bound content towards universal response points, all service providers can use the research and body of knowledge to meaningfully adjust their work and enhance their collaborative efforts. While this might not be the best fit for all communities, we want to work with you to better have protocols be a tool and strategy for systems (and community) change. Please help us as we pilot this new template. Give us feedback or connect with us to see how you might be able to have this work within your community.