Urgent Action Needed: Contact the Public Safety Committee and Ask Them to Pass A 90 Day Sexual Assault Kit Testing Timeframe
We need your help to pass HF2034—legislation that will mandate a 90 day sexual assault kit testing window! The prompt testing of sexual assault kits is a survivor justice issue. Currently there is no timeframe for laboratory testing sexual assault kits and victims/survivors have had to wait up to eight months for their kits to be tested. MNCASA is supporting a 90 day kit testing time frame to address this unacceptable delay and we are in negotiation with the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. Now is the time to be loud and let our legislators know this matters to us—will you contact the House Public Safety Committee and ask them to pass a 90 day kit testing window?
Please send individual emails to each of the Representatives and their corresponding legislative aides. This will ensure the committee member is more likely to get your message. See the sample phone and email script below. Contact info for the committee members and their legislative aides is here.
Contact Sarah Florman at sflorman@mncasa.org if you have any questions.
Sample Email
Dear [Rep Name],
My name is [first name, last name] and I live in [city/region they represent]. I’m writing today to implore you to support HF2034, legislation that will mandate a 90 day sexual assault kit testing time frame. The prompt testing of kits is critical for victims/survivors of sexual assault. When someone experiences a trauma like sexual violence, they should not have to worry about whether or not their sexual assault kit will be tested promptly and how that delay could affect their case.
Over the past year, victims/survivors of sexual assault have waited up to eight months for kits to be tested. This deprioritization of sexual assault kit testing is unacceptable. Testing delays communicate to victims/survivors that their trauma isn’t a priority. They indicate that sexual assault is less serious and deserving of system resources than other forms of violent crime. Testing delays also slow investigations and cause law enforcement and prosecutors to wait on critical evidence.
Historically, sexual assault has not been taken as seriously as other violence crimes. In Minnesota, we have seen backlogs of untested kits, victims/survivors not knowing what happened with their kits/cases, investigations not being conducted, and people who cause harm not being held accountable. Testing delays only confirm the larger societal message that we do not take sexual violence seriously.
There is currently no timeframe for laboratory testing of sexual assault evidentiary kits. Yet hospitals must submit kits to law enforcement within 10 days and law enforcement must submit for testing within 60 days. Laboratories should also be held to a clear and reasonable timeframe.
Many states have already passed legislation mandating a timeframe for testing of sexual assault kits. It is time for Minnesota to join them. By mandating a 90 day timeframe, we are saying that victims/survivors matter and people who cause harm will be held accountable in Minnesota. I urge you to support this legislation and ensure that victims of sexual assault receive the system response they deserve.
Sample Phone Script
My name is [ ] and I live in [city/region they represent]. I’m calling today to ask you to support HF2034, legislation that will mandate a 90 day kit testing timeframe. When someone experiences a trauma such as sexual violence, they should not have to worry about whether or not their sexual assault kit will be tested promptly and how that delay could affect their case.
Over the past year, victims/survivors of sexual assault have waited up to eight months for kits to be tested. Testing delays communicate to victims/survivors that their trauma isn’t a priority. They indicate that sexual assault is less serious and deserving of system resources than other violent crimes. Testing delays also slow investigations and cause law enforcement and prosecutors to wait on critical evidence.
A 90 day timeframe for testing sexual assault evidentiary kits is a reasonable standard. There is currently no timeframe for laboratory testing of sexual assault evidentiary kits but hospitals must submit kits to law enforcement within 10 days and law enforcement within 60 days. Labs should also be expected to adhere to a timeframe.
Many states have already passed legislation mandating a timeframe for testing of sexual assault kits. It’s time for Minnesota to join them.
Historically, sexual assault has not been taken as seriously as other violence crimes and testing delays confirm that. By mandating a 90 day timeframe, you are saying that victims/survivors matter and people who cause harm will be held accountable. I urge you to support this legislation and ensure that victims of sexual assault receive an efficient, transparent system response.
Thank you for your time.