What Topics Do You Want To See?

This post officially marks the end of the second year of the Rural blog! It’s hard to believe that I’ve been writing this blog for two years, but it’s been a good blur. Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, or used the information from these blogs as a way to improve our responses to sexual violence in communities all over. My favorite part of this blog is absolutely getting the chance to connect with you folks and share all that I’ve learned through doing national technical assistance and training. Remember, if you need technical assistance or training, you can email me or connect through the contact form on this site.

As we move into the start of year of three of Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) blogging, you’ll see some changes in format of content delivery. I’m going to try a few new things and assess how they go. But, before all of that, I want to take the time to ask: what topics, themes, or content do you want to see covered in year three? Please drop a comment here or email me directly!