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40-Hour Sexual Assault Advocacy Training Train the Trainer

40-Hour Sexual Assault Advocacy Training Train the Trainer

MNCASA’s 40-Hour Sexual Assault Advocacy Training Train the Trainer e-learning is designed to prepare advocacy programs to be able to give your own 40-hour training to new staff and volunteers. As you know, all advocates are required to have 40 hours of training as part of the requirements of advocacy privilege.

The Train the Trainer e-learning is designed for someone who is an experienced advocate but may be new or uncomfortable giving trainings and presentations. It will include tips and strategies for training facilitation, prepared slide decks on sexual violence advocacy topics, and training logistics information throughout!

Programs develop their own 40-hour trainings in many ways. Some programs have a team of staff who help with the 40-hour. Some programs have one staff member who focuses on the 40-hour. Some programs use all MNCASA’s training materials. Some develop their own materials. And some mix and match! This e-learning is designed to meet the needs of multiple programs, regardless of whether you plan to use MNCASA’s training materials.

Training and Materials

The training and materials are available only to MNCASA Partner Programs that provide direct advocacy services to victims/survivors.

Access the Materials

All of the training materials are available in Coalition Manager. You must log in to Coalition Manger to access materials.

Take the Training

Want to take the training? Register to get started in Coalition Manager. You must log in to Coalition Manger to register.

Contact us for more information about Train the Trainer and support.

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