
Partnering to Prevent Violence

MNCASA works to stop violence and harm from ever occurring in the first place. Prevention is essential to build communities that are free from violence, safe, sustainable, and thriving. MNCASA is dedicated to helping communities throughout Minnesota to develop and implement intersectional prevention strategies: from social norms change to public policy to eliminating root causes of sexual violence.

Our prevention team at MNCASA offers technical assistance, trainings, resources, networking, and more on the primary prevention of sexual violence. We aim to provide accessible and tangible prevention tools all while being in community with our member programs, fellow partners, and community organizations.


What Is Prevention?

Learn more about the different models of prevention and what preventing violence can look like in your community.

Rosemary Project

Just like a garden, you can start small with prevention. You can grow one rosemary plant or take one step to prevent sexual violence. MNCASA offers a wide range of tools and resources for sexual violence prevention. Take a look and choose your one small step—your one rosemary plant.

Community Prevention Partnership Program

Preventing sexual violence is a complex social challenge that requires community-wide investment. The Community Prevention Partnership Program is supported by MNCASA through the Minnesota Office of Justice Programs to act in collaboration with others in their community to prevent violence.

The Messaging Report

We conducted research on sexual violence prevention messaging in 2017 and 2018. The purpose of this research was to test and recommend key messaging for use by those advocating healthy relationships and sexual violence prevention education for children and youth in schools and community settings. This report can be used by organizations and individuals to promote healthy relationships and sexual violence prevention education for children and youth in schools and community settings.

Contact us for more information about prevention trainings and support.

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