Safe Avenues: Willmar
Through the evidence-based curriculum Safe Dates, Safe Avenues will increase youth knowledge of what healthy relationships embody and equip them with the skills necessary to develop healthy relationships. The curriculum will be used in three area schools: DREAM Technical Academy, Willmar Senior High School, and BOLD High School. Student leaders from each of the area schools will engage in community-wide, youth-led, Sexual Assault Awareness Month campaigns. Safe Avenues will work with DREAM Technical Academy on recommendations and the adoption of organizational practices and/or policies that address sexual violence and gender equality. In collaboration with area faith communities, Safe Avenues will equip caregivers with the information necessary to have constructive conversations about relationships and set clear standards on relationship behavior for their youth. This will be done utilizing the Families for Safe Dates materials.

Organization's Mission Statement
To equip teens with the knowledge and skills to develop healthy relationships and foster school, faith communities, and home environments where equality and non-violence are valued and embodied.
Lessons Learned
- To end sexual violence, we must engage our communities in a dialogue about primary prevention. Using an evidence-based curriculum lends credibility to a project. It can be challenging to schedule a curriculum like Safe Dates in schools. While the rewards are great, to implement in fidelity requires a time commitment. Be cognizant that planning takes time. Starting early, six to nine months in advance of implementation isn’t out of line, it’s recommended.
Why It's Needed
It’s exciting to see light bulbs go off for people as they learn more or are challenged to reflect on their own beliefs and values. It provides a sense of hope that his curriculum could have a profound impact on our community.
Community Partners
- DREAM Technical Academy, Willmar
- Willmar Senior High School, Willmar
- BOLD High School, Olivia
- Kandiyohi County Attorney’s Office