Women’s Initiative for Self Empowerment (WISE)

WISE will expand upon their Healthy Relationships program by developing a romantic relationships curriculum focused on immigrant and refugee girls. Through education on trauma, coping strategies, mental health and wellness, autonomy, and leadership, WISE addresses the complex intersection these youth face such as racism, sexism, xenophobia, language barriers, poverty, and more. WISE also applies arts-based approaches in their prevention strategies to demonstrate creative self-expression. WISE plans to use graphic novellas, spoken word poetry, and photography to represent empowerment and promote community dialogue to prevent sexual violence.

For more information, please reach out to admin@womenofwise.org

Organization's Mission Statement

Support immigrant and refugee women, girls and those on the feminine gender spectrum in their journey of self-actualization through culturally-responsive education, advocacy, systems change and resource development.

Why It's Needed

Community Partners

  • Sejong Academy
  • Saint Paul Public Schools
  • Oromo Community of Minnesota