The Messaging Report
The Messaging Report: How To Talk About Healthy Relationships and Sexual Violence Prevention Education
The Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MNCASA) conducted research on sexual violence prevention messaging in 2017 and 2018. The purpose of this research was to test and recommend key messaging for use by those advocating healthy relationships and sexual violence prevention education for children and youth in schools and community settings. Teaching healthy relationship skills, especially when paired with sexual violence prevention education (which includes information on bystander intervention, consent, gender norms, etc.), is one evidence-based approach to prevent sexual violence. During this period, MNCASA conducted individual in-depth interviews, an online focus group, a statewide survey, and message testing for both general and targeted audiences.
The recommended messaging, as well as key findings, are highlighted in the report below. Information in this report can be used by organizations and individuals to promote healthy relationships and sexual violence prevention education for children and youth in schools and community settings. MNCASA will use this information in its work to advocate for healthy relationship and sexual violence prevention education for children and youth across the state of Minnesota. Additional resources are also available below.
Featured Tools & Resources
Messaging Report: Support for Healthy Relationships and Sexual Violence Prevention Education for Children and Youth
The Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MNCASA) conducted research on sexual violence prevention messaging in 2017 and 2018. The purpose of this research was to…
Messaging Report Summary
The Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MNCASA) conducted research on sexual violence prevention messaging in 2017 and 2018. The purpose of this research was to…
Advocate’s Guide to Talking to Parents/Guardians About Healthy Relationships and Sexual Violence Prevention for Children and Youth
Learning healthy relationship skills is a vital part of sexual violence prevention and sex education, all of which are most impactful when taught together. Parents/guardians…
Prevention Resources
SAAM 2025 Partner Program Social Media Toolkit
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Emergent Space
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Virtual Adaptation Guidance for Sexual Violence Prevention Curriculum and Interventions
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