Minnesota Sexual Assault Response Teams

We provide in-depth support to 11 Minnesota SMARTeams (Sexual Assault Multidisciplinary Action Response Teams) that receive funding from the Office of Justice Programs. We host trainings, develop tools, offer opportunities for networking and resource-sharing, build connections, and provide consultation to help SMART Site Coordinators enhance leadership skills, equitably engage team members, and facilitate a collaborative systems change process.
We provide:
- Monthly calls for Site Coordinators
- A biannual Site Coordinator Retreat
- An annual training opportunity for all Minnesota teams called the All Team Event
Featured Tools & Resources
Sexual Assault Response Team Starter Kit: A Guide for New SART Teams
Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs) play a powerful role in improving the collective response to sexual violence through increasing access to healing and justice. SART…
SVJI Core Intervention Principles
Sexual Assault Response Teams work to improve a community’s response to sexual violence by designing multidisciplinary, victim-centered interventions. Through various tools and training, these teams…
Summary of A Ten-Factor Framework for Sexual Assault Response Team Effectiveness
Systems change sexual assault response teams (SARTs) are community-based multidisciplinary teams that work to create long-term improvements to the local response to sexual violence. SARTs…
Member-Hosted Event: What Were You Wearing? (HOPE Coalition)
Learn more here.
Member-Hosted Event: Open House (Sexual Assault Services)
Open to everyone & family friendly. Meet our team & learn about our positive impact on the community. Light refreshments will be served. Wednesday,…