Tools & Resources
Featured Tools & Resources
Advocate’s Guide to Talking to Parents/Guardians About Healthy Relationships and Sexual Violence Prevention for Children and Youth
Learning healthy relationship skills is a vital part of sexual violence prevention and sex education, all of which are most impactful when taught together. Parents/guardians…
Healthy Relationships Activity Book
Stopping sexual violence and other forms of harm can feel like a complicated and overwhelming task. Education is an important form of sexual violence prevention.
What Can We Talk About? Common Rules & Regulations
It is important for all members of a sexual assault response team (SART) to understand one another’s different professional and ethical obligations before the team…
Tools & Resources
Fases del cambio y comunicación de la participación virtual
Este proyecto fue respaldado por la Subvención N.º 2015-TA-AX-K014 otorgada por la Oficina de Violencia contra la Mujer, Departamento de Justicia de los Estados Unidos.
Un marco de diez factores para la eficacia del equipo de respuesta contra agresiones sexuales
Diez factores internos y externos que facilitan el éxito de los equipos de respuesta en casos de agresión sexual para el cambio de sistemas.
Cumplimiento de la sección 508: lo que usted necesita saber
Se refiere a la sección 508 de la Ley de Rehabilitación de 1973. Esto requiere que la tecnología electrónica y de la información y las…
What Can We Talk About? Honoring Victim/Survivor Confidentiality in SARTs
This toolkit was created to help systems change SARTs: • identify their specific confidentiality obligations and understand the differences between team members, • navigate…
LGBTQIA+ Cultural Humility Readiness Assessment for SARTs
The following readiness assessment can be completed by individual agencies or as a team. It is meant to bring to light current efforts and highlight…
Best Practices for Sexual Assault Response Teams Supporting LGBTQIA+ Victims/Survivors
In the absence of traditional safety nets, many victims/survivors in the LGBTQIA+1 community find support within their family of choice, which typically includes trusted friends…
Statewide Sexual Assault Kit (SAK) Testing and Cold Case Sexual Assault Investigative Guidelines
These guidelines are designed to provide law enforcement with information regarding sexual assault kit processing and cold case sexual assault investigation, increase clarity regarding recent…
SART Case Review MOU Template and Example
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is a helpful tool for recording agreements about a SART’s priorities for case review, the scope of that case review…
Communication Feedback Loop
This resource merges the Phases of Systems Change model and the Communication Feedback Loop model with virtual engagement. This resource describes each phase of system…
508 Compliance: What You Need to Know
This resource gives a synopsis of the 508 compliance guidelines that governmental entities have to follow when engaging online. Various resources are also linked to…
5 Steps of a Virtual Engagement Plan
This resource was designed to demonstrate a step-by-step process of planning their virtual engagement strategy. Through this five-step process, this resource describes how SART teams…