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Children with Sexual Behavior Problems: Improving Minnesota’s ability to provide early identification and intervention services through policy and practice recommendations.

MNCASA understands the importance of efforts to prevent the perpetration of sexual abuse. Due to this understanding, our project examined sexual behavioral problems (SBPs) in children in order to better understand the connections between responses to children’s sexual behaviors, including behaviors that are concerning or problematic, and the development of future SBPs in children, youth, and adults.

We specifically wanted to learn more about what’s working, as well as what is not working, in Minnesota’s current systems for identifying children (12 and under) with SBPs. This project aims to explore where the gaps are and what holds the best hope for improving our ability to provide early identification and intervention for children showing signs of SBPs. Our ultimate goal is reduce the likelihood of children and youth engaging in problematic or harmful sexual behaviors.

Prevention Advocates, Community, Preventionists Minnesota

Last modified: 7/7/2022