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Mapping the Market for Sex with Trafficked Minor Girls in Minneapolis: Structures, Functions, and Patterns

Over the past decade, juvenile sex trafficking in Minnesota has received increased attention from policy makers, law enforcement, service providers, advocates, and funders. In July 2011, the Minnesota State Legislature passed the Safe Harbor for Sexually Exploited Youth Act which, among other things, had a sunrise clause for implementation by August 2014.

Research on any hidden criminal activity or stigmatized behavior (including this study) is difficult and prone to at least some degree of bias. Consequently, any picture is necessarily partial and incomplete to some degree.

Most previous research on commercial sex and sex trafficking involving minors has focused on examination of common risk factors and risk behaviors and/or a comparison of street versus non-street prostitution in relation to safety. Yet knowledge of the broader mechanics and market forces of sex trafficking as a business is needed to prevent and protect youth from exploitation in commercial sex and sex trafficking.

Trafficking Advocates, Preventionists, Responders to Sexual Violence Minnesota

Last modified: 6/30/2022