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Tools & Resources

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Readiness Assessment Survey

A step-by-step guide to learn about what your potential team might need to support collaborative work.


Phases of Systems Change

SVJI’s Model for Continuous Improvement of the Sexual Violence Response…


Authentic Community Engagement in Safe Harbor

The meaningful engagement and collaboration within community strengthens a multidisciplinary response to sexual exploitation and trafficking. A blend of constructive teaming strategies, stakeholder buy-in, and…


Busting the Myths Sex Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation Fact Sheet

Sexual exploitation and sex trafficking receive a lot of media attention, which may leave you wondering how these issues impact your community. Increased awareness of…


Helpful Prevention Information and Tools

Sexual violence prevention can seem very complicated and feel overwhelming, but MNCASA is here to help make things a little bit easier. You can learn…


Using STOP Funding to Meaningfully Address Sexual Violence

The Services * Training * Officers * Prosecutors (STOP) Violence Against Women Formula Grant works to improve the legal response to violent crimes against women…


Moving Towards Meaningful: A STOP Administrator’s experience influencing change in the state’s response to sexual violence

The Violence Against Women Act reauthorization of 2013 directed state administrators of STOP funds to set aside 20 percent of their funds for programs or…


Sexual Assault Response Teams & Systems Change

What is a SART? A Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) is one strategy a community can use to improve their systems response to sexual violence.


SVJI Core Intervention Principles

Sexual Assault Response Teams work to improve a community’s response to sexual violence by designing multidisciplinary, victim-centered interventions. Through various tools and training, these teams…


Glossary of Sexual Violence Terms

This glossary contains common terms, definitions, and acronyms related to sexual violence and system response, such as the criminal legal system or in healthcare.


IAFN Exam Reimbursement Resources

SANEs are educated in and can assist hospitals and victims in understanding the laws about billing, and the rights and resources available to victims. Services…