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Sexual Assault Evidentiary Exam Payment

In Minnesota, victims of sexual assault who have an evidentiary exam done for the purpose of gathering evidence of sexual assault need not pay for…


Payment for Sexual Assault Exams When the Assault Occurs in One State but the Exam Occurs in a Different State

This fact sheet explains who pays for a sexual assault exam when the victim is assaulted while visiting one state but undergoes a sexual assault…


Confidential Communications with Health Insurance Carriers: Guide for Advocates and Providers

If someone is insured as a dependent on another’s health insurance policy—for example a partner or parent’s—health insurance carriers may send the policyholder information about…


A National Protocol for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examinations

Sexual violence continues to plague our Nation and destroy lives. All members of society are vulnerable to this crime, regardless of race, age, gender, ability,…


Minor Consent for Medical and Mental Health Treatment

This fact sheet addresses two main issues: When may a sexual assault advocate or medical professional provide services to a minor without consent from the…


Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults: What is Required?

In Minnesota, sexual assault advocates and domestic abuse advocates are NOT mandated reporters of maltreatment of vulnerable adults. See Minn. Stat. §626.557 and other statutes…


Mandated Reporting of Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of a Child

In Minnesota, sexual assault advocates are mandated to report the abuse or neglect of a child by “certain persons” in caregiving roles to the child.


Minnesota Model Policies for Forensic Compliance

This document is designed to assist Minnesota jurisdictions with the creation and implementation of written policies on forensic compliance topics. We hope this document can…


National Best Practices for Sexual Assault Kits: A Multidisciplinary Approach

The SAFER Working Group was developed to address the SAFER (Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Reporting) Act of 2013, which recommends, in part, the development of…


Evaluation and Management of the Sexually Assaulted or Sexually Abused Patient

This handbook was first produced by the American College of Emergency Physicians in 1999. This project was an enormous undertaking at the time and was…


Serving Trans and Non-Binary Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence

Despite the fact that people who identify as transgender or non-binary experience violence and harassment in every aspect of life at astoundingly high rates (NCTE, 2016),…