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Tools & Resources

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The Challenging Pelvic Examination

Abstract While there is a large body of evidence on the effectiveness of Pap smears for cervical cancer screening and on screening…


Making Sense of Forensic Genetics: What can DNA tell you about a crime?

This guide is designed to introduce professional and public audiences to the use of DNA in criminal investigations; to understand what DNA can and can’t…


Non-Fatal Strangulation Documentation Toolkit

Download the Strangulation Toolkit for detailed guidance on assessment techniques, documentation, and evidence collection. Access sample documents such as discharge instructions and policies/procedures. You are invited to…


Survivor Speaking Tips

Telling your story of sexual violence can be incredibly empowering. Breaking the silence, for some, is a major milestone in their healing. For others, it…


The Sexual Assault Advocate’s Guide to the Media, Communications, and Public Relations

Introduction We are all aware that communicating is central to our work and our lives. Providing and receiving information helps us make educated decisions and…


Reporting on Sexual Violence: A guide for journalists

Why a Guide for Journalists? Journalists play an important role by informing the public about the significant impact of sexual violence in our communities. This…


Adverse Childhood Experiences in Minnesota Executive Summary

This report marks the first time that the Minnesota Department of Health has collected data regarding the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on the…


What Can We Talk About? Common Rules & Regulations

It is important for all members of a sexual assault response team (SART) to understand one another’s different professional and ethical obligations before the team…


Safe Harbor Protocol Guidelines Appendix Materials

The Safe Harbor Protocol Appendix Materials contains documents referenced in the Safe Harbor Protocol Guidelines. See below for a categorized list of resources.


Safe Harbor Protocol & Systems Response

MNCASA is dedicated to developing the practical tools and offering comprehensive resources to support you in building your knowledge on the topics of sexual exploitation…


Safe Harbor & No Wrong Door

MNCASA is dedicated to developing the practical tools and offering comprehensive resources to support you in building your knowledge on the topics of sexual exploitation…


Understanding Sexual Exploitation & Trafficking

MNCASA is dedicated to developing the practical tools and offering comprehensive resources to support you in building your knowledge on the topics of sexual exploitation…