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National Institute Recap: Part 2

Fatima Jayoma | Rural Projects Coordinator at SVJI @MNCASA

Happy Wednesday! Last week, we started posting our recordings from the 2021 National Institute for SART Leaders. We posted about three sessions: SART 101: Strategies for Success, Collaborating for Change: Responding to Sexually Exploited and Trafficked Youth, and Navigating Leadership Today. This week, we’ll continue with presentations led by SVJI @MNCASA staff members.

Title: Systems Change and Prevention


Sam R. Schmitt, Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Projects Specialist at SVJI @MNCASA
Hunter Beckstrom, Prevention & Sexual Exploitation Specialist at SVJI @MNCASA


Sexual assault response teams can improve access to healing and justice for victims/survivors and increase offender accountability. However, SART members may be wondering how they can contribute to the prevention of sexual violence in their communities when their teams are focused on responding to sexual violence. In this presentation, attendees will learn about the relationship between systems change and prevention and explore opportunities for implementing prevention principles and strategies in their SART work.

Learning Objectives/Outcomes:

  • Learn about relationship between systems change and prevention
  • Examine the three-step model of systems change through the lens of prevention
  • Explore diverse approaches to prevention and discuss considerations for teams wanting to do prevention work
  • Gather ideas and strategies for prevention work while still being response-focused

Title: Evaluation from the Ground Up


Madison Cutler, Minnesota SART Program Coordinator at SVJI @MNCASA


This interactive workshop is devoted to making evaluation approachable and showing teams how to effectively measure change, virtually. Through hands-on activities and exploring creative ways to use information, participants will see how assessments can drive improvements, measure the effectiveness of changes, engage communities in addressing sexual violence, and help to increase access to justice for victims/survivors. Participants will learn how to make a case for evaluation to their teams and walk away with tools and strategies to begin improving their work through evaluation.

Learning Objectives/Outcomes:

  • Define the three most common types of evaluation that occur across almost all programs.
  • Guide participants through one model of evolution and how they can use in systems change work.
  • Discuss ethical considerations when doing assessment to lower the risk for everyone involved.

Next week, we’ll continue posting recordings from the 2021 National Institute.

Coming Soon:

  • Beyond Conviction Rates: Measuring Success in Sexual Assault Prosecutions
  • Starting a Sexual Response Team in Rural Arizona
  • A Multidisciplinary Team Approach to Victim Centered Care
  • Community Centered Teams
  • Working Collaboratively to Provide the Best Medical Forensic Care, Even When There Is No SANE in Sight
  • Centering the Margins and Building Community Centered Teams
  • PREA and Providing Victim Services

If you have questions or need training/technical assistance, please reach out to us at [email protected].