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MNCASA Board Announces New Executive Director

On behalf of the MNCASA Board of Directors, I am pleased to announce our selection of Artika Roller as MNCASA’s next Executive Director. Artika Roller…

SARTs and Creating Conditions for Disclosure: Knowledgeable and Prepared Service Providers

In this blog, we have previously talked about responding to the full spectrum of victim/survivor needs. The work of the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) is…

SARTs and Creating Conditions for Disclosure: Equitable Access to Services

As we continue to talk about creating conditions of disclosure, it is essential to talk about how and where victims/survivors have access to services. Access…

SARTs and Creating Conditions for Disclosure: Confidentiality

One of the major barriers that victims/survivors face in being able to disclose their experiences of sexual violence is the fear that someone will find…

SARTs and Creating Conditions for Disclosure

One topic that frequently comes up when talking about Rural Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs) is that there are few or no formal disclosures of…

Assessing SART Work: Focus Groups and Individual Interviews

The last post for our month on assessment is focused (get it?!) on the other most common approach teams want to use: focus groups. Focus…

Assessing SART Work: Questionnaires and Surveys

Assessment is critical to the Sexual Assault Response Team’s effectiveness. So, you’ve got your team feeling ready to ask some critical questions. You’ve decided that…

SART Foundations: What is Assessment?

Before we jump into talking about types of assessment, I want to spend a little time chatting about what we mean when we say “assessment”…

MNCASA Warns Public About MeToo Rape Kits

MNCASA Warns Public About MeToo Rape Kits   Wednesday, September 5, 2019: The Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault opposes the use of…