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SART Foundations: Case File Review

Guest Blog By Jolene Engelking (SVJI Staff member, partially funded under Rural) One of my favorite parts of my job is getting to talk with and…

Why Should Our SART Do Case File Review?

Guest Blog By Jolene Engelking (SVJI Staff Member) While many Sexual Assault Response Teams (SART) want to do case file review, sometimes the purpose gets…

Weigh-In Wednesday: Case File Review

For July, we are going to spend our month talking about Case File Review! I’m even more excited, because this month will feature blog content…

Developing Motivation When Rebuilding a Team

A lot of communities will have a Sexual Assault Response Team that meets for a while, may accomplish some good work, and then, the team…

Resource Spotlight: Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence

The Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence is a resource treasure trove for your teams and service providers! They offer statistics and information about sexual violence against…

Moving Past the Taboo: Learning About Sex Ed in Latinx Communities -Guest Post by CLUES

What do you think of when you think of sex ed? Graphic pictures of sexually transmitted infections? Teachers sharing overly-personal information?  A brief discussion of…

SART Foundations: Building Motivation

Human motivation is a funny thing. We get really excited about new projects or ideas and stick with them for a short period of time.

Weigh In Wednesday: What Motivates Your Team To Do Good Work?

I spend a lot of time with a lot of people, trying to figure out how to make their Sexual Assault Response Teams (SART) a…

Re-Engaging the Team

Many of the technical assistance questions SVJI gets have a theme about getting a team back on track. There are always so many reasons why a…