
Resource Spotlight: Victim Rights Law Center

I decided to bring back a post on a great resource for teams and service providers. This month’s resource spotlight is for the Victim Rights…

Sexual Assault Response Team Formations: Subcommittees

Last week, we looked at the traditional, full team SART, where all members met during team meeting times. This week we are going to look…

Team Formations: Traditional, Full Team SART

For this month, we are going to talk about all of the ways that you can build up a Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)! I’m…

Measure the Change: Systems Change for SARTs

The final phase for us to talk about in this series on the 3 Phases of Systems Change for Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs) is…

Make Change: Systems Change for SARTs

When SARTs are working through the systems change process, most SARTs love to jump straight into this phase without taking time to learn—most folks believe…

Assess the Status Quo: Systems Change for SARTs

The first place to start when working your local Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) is to learn about what is happening in your community. This…

SARTs and the Phases of Systems Change

I frequently get to work with Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs) that collaborate to bring about some pretty big changes to how we respond to…

What’s Said Here, Stays Here Rule and The One Confidentiality Waiver to Rule Them All

Extra important disclaimer! The following content is a general framework to help SARTs and is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please consult your…

Resource Spotlight: Confidentiality Institute

When thinking about resources for Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs) and the issues surrounding confidentiality, one (of several) important resource is the Confidentiality Institute. The…

SART and Confidentiality Basics

Extra important disclaimer! The following content is a general framework to help SARTs and is not intended to be used as legal advice. Please consult your…