
Moving Past the Taboo: Learning About Sex Ed in Latinx Communities -Guest Post by CLUES

What do you think of when you think of sex ed? Graphic pictures of sexually transmitted infections? Teachers sharing overly-personal information?  A brief discussion of…

SART Foundations: Building Motivation

Human motivation is a funny thing. We get really excited about new projects or ideas and stick with them for a short period of time.

Weigh In Wednesday: What Motivates Your Team To Do Good Work?

I spend a lot of time with a lot of people, trying to figure out how to make their Sexual Assault Response Teams (SART) a…

Re-Engaging the Team

Many of the technical assistance questions SVJI gets have a theme about getting a team back on track. There are always so many reasons why a…

Resource Spotlight: Are We Ready?

When thinking about Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) engagement, we always need to think about how we ensure that folks are prepared to engage in…

Takeaways from EVAWI and MASOC/MATSA Conferences

This spring MNCASA was able to provide a travel scholarship opportunity to send advocates to one of two conferences, End Violence Against Women International conference…

SART Foundations: Engaging the Different Levels

When I first started as a Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) coordinator, I thought I was only trying to engage individual people—working to get their…

How to Use Victims/Survivors Voices in Meaningful Ways

Guest Post by SVJI Intern: Nikki Hanto Last week we looked at strategies to effectively incorporate victims’/survivors’ voices on a Sexual Assault Response Team. We…

Weigh in Wednesday: How Do You Keep Your SARTners Engaged?

April was Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), as many of you already know. With SAAM behind us, it’s easy to lose focus and engagement around…

When They Won’t Commit to the Team

In talking with teams, I come across that regular (though not frequent) question of, “What do I do if I can’t get someone to work…