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SART Foundations: Creating Positive Communication Patterns

Being a coordinator requires a person to have strong communication skills. With all of the emails, phone calls, in-person meetings, team meetings, agency updates, etc……

Weigh In Wednesday: Communication

Happy 2018, everyone! We’ve made it to another Gregorian calendar year. To kick off 2018, I want to spend the month of January talking about communication. Not…

Determining the Fit of a SART in Your Community

Sexual Assault Response Teams are a powerful strategy for service providers and communities to craft meaningful changes to how victim/survivors experience sexual violence responses. Many…

SART Foundations: Defining the Style of SART

In working in and around Sexual Assault Response Teams, I find that teams with different styles and focuses all get called the same thing. In…

The Power of Co-Facilitators

When you’ve been facilitating and coordinating a Sexual Assault Response Team for a while, there can come a point when you see emerging leadership on…

Resource Spotlight: International Association of Forensic Nurses

When thinking about coordinating a team in a rural space, one of the main issues that comes up is needing a medical representative on the…

Sexual Violence In The News, So Now What?

Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Title IX, #metoo, these are just a handful of examples of stories in the news recently. It is…

SART Foundations: When You’re a New Coordinator

Whether you take on the task of team coordinator when the team is just forming or whether you are taking over from a previous coordinator,…

Weigh In Wednesday: One Piece of Advice

When I used to do research and when I work with teams now, I usually ended interviews or discussions with, “If you had one piece…

When Standalone Meetings No Longer Seem Workable

There are many reasons to have a standalone Sexual Assault Response Team in each community. 1) SARTs focus exclusively on sexual violence which is the…