MN Legislature Passes Much of MNCASA’s Sexual Assault Policy Agenda

Saturday, May 25, 2019: The Minnesota Legislature passed, in special session, the Public Safety/Judiciary Omnibus Bill. This bill includes numerous amendments to existing statutes as…

Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MNCASA) Statement on Proposed Title IX Changes

On Friday November 16, 2018, the Department of Education released a proposal to amend the regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments…

Community Green Dot Training Preparations: Partnerships are Key!

Would you like to contribute to a safer community? Are you someone who believes they can actively make a difference? Then the upcoming Community…

MNCASA Response to Fifth Minneapolis Star Tribune Denied Justice Article

The Minneapolis Star Tribune released another article in the series Denied Justice, in which more of Minnesota’s victims/survivors of sexual assault courageously…

Listen and Believe: MNCASA Response to Minneapolis Star Tribune’s Denied Justice Article

The Minneapolis Star Tribune released another article in the series Denied Justice, in which some of Minnesota’s victims/survivors of sexual assault courageously shared their experiences.

In Pursuit of Undeniable Justice: MNCASA Response to Minneapolis Star Tribune’s Denied Justice Article

On July 22, 2018, the Minneapolis Star Tribune released the first in a series of articles in which some of Minnesota’s victims/survivors of sexual assault…

Sexual Violence In The News, So Now What?

Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Title IX, #metoo, these are just a handful of examples of stories in the news recently. It is…

Take-Aways from MNCASA’s 2017 Symposium: Real Connections

Guest post by Ashley Sturz, MNCASA Membership and Advocacy Services Specialist Many of our member programs are embarking…

NCAA Creates New Policy for Sexual Assault Prevention on Campuses

College sexual assaults have recently made major headlines across the country. Our own state of Minnesota had two colleges, St Olaf in Northfield…

Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2017: Featuring Kasey Baker from Save Avenues

Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) is here again! This year MNCASA developed a Minnesota-specificSAAM toolkit. Here you will find…