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Rural Realities

Managing the, “Yeah, but…” in the Team Dynamic

When thinking about accountability, one thing that I have seen in many teams (my own included) is a quick, defensive reaction to change. I summarize…

Resource Spotlight: Just Detention

In thinking through this month’s theme of accountability, I want share about the really great work of the organization Just Detention International. Just Detention works…

SART Foundations: Rethinking Accountability in the Team Context

Accountability can be a really intense word. When I introduce the idea of accountability to my team or in my trainings, people often have a…

Weigh In Wednesday: Accountability

Being in a sexual assault response team and working in collaboration means that there will be bumps in the road. It’s a normal part of…

Dynamics: The Building Blocks of Sustainability (Part 2)

Earlier this month, we covered three building blocks of sustainability: mechanics, base-building, and history/future. I have saved one of the most complicated building blocks for…

Resource Spotlight: Vera Institute of Justice

Part of sustainability is ensuring that all folks have meaningful access to responsive resources. This month’s resource spotlight is dedicated to the Vera Institute of…

SART Foundations: The Building Blocks of Sustainability-Part 1

One of the most common issues I see when working with Sexual Assault Response Teams is that many teams express difficulty with sustainability. That’s why…

Weigh In Wednesday: Sustainability

This month we are going to discuss the sustainability of your sexual assault response team. Often, I find myself talking with teams and state/territory coalitions…

Good vs. Effective Communication

Something that has been on my mind lately is the idea of good vs. effective communication. I particularly have seen this in my own team as well as the…

Resource Spotlight: Casa De Esperenza

One important element of communication is being able to send and receive messages—whether this is written, verbal, or non-verbal. Language access matters when we are…