Sexual Assault Response Teams

Sexual Assault Response Teams

Meaningful change comes from working together and Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTs) play a powerful role in improving our collective response to sexual violence. SART members include health providers, law enforcement, prosecutors, victim advocates, and local human and social service organizations, all representing the diversity of experience and expertise in a specific community. SARTs promote a victim-centered response to sexual violence through increased collaboration and education across disciplines.

The Sexual Violence Justice Institute (SVJI) provides training and technical assistance to Sexual Assault Response Teams on both the state and national level. SVJI supports SARTs from concept through development, action, and evaluation, providing technical assistance and training that advances efforts to prioritize victims’ needs, hold offenders accountable, and promote public safety.

Our SART Programs

National SART

We provide training and technical assistance to sexual assault response teams (SARTs) nationwide through an Office on Violence Against Women Training and Technical Assistance award.

Minnesota SART

We provide in-depth support to 12 Minnesota SMARTeams (Sexual Assault Multidisciplinary Action Response Teams) that receive funding from the Office of Justice Programs.

Rural SART

We provide training and technical assistance to rural sexual assault response teams (SARTs) nationwide through an Office on Violence Against Women Training and Technical Assistance award.


Minnesota Trainings

We offer trainings and technical assistance to Minnesota SART programs.

National Trainings

We offer trainings and technical assistance to National SART programs.

Contact us for more information about SART trainings and support.

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