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Research Finds Most Sexual Assault Reports to be True: Uncovering myths and practices, influencing change

The Problem “False report” is a category or designation that is often misused by law enforcement on sexual assault cases. The overuse of this designation…


Sexual Violence Fundamentals: Must-Haves for a Meaningful Response to Sexual Violence

When you are deciding what projects and programs to fund through STOP, remember to take a step back and evaluate whether you are meeting these…


Sexual Violence Fundamentals: Sexual Violence and Reporting: By the Numbers

The numbers around sexual violence are inherently incomplete. One reason for this is that most official statistics are based on the number of police reports…


Sexual Violence Fundamentals: Who is impacted by sexual violence?

Sexual violence affects everyone: All populations and all communities. No community is immune. Communities and populations that experience systemic oppression often experience higher rates of…


Sexual Violence Fundamentals: What is Sexual Violence?

There is no single, all-encompassing definition of sexual violence. Sexual violence is discussed differently in different places, contexts, and communities. Therefore it is important to…


Summary of A Ten-Factor Framework for Sexual Assault Response Team Effectiveness

Systems change sexual assault response teams (SARTs) are community-based multidisciplinary teams that work to create long-term improvements to the local response to sexual violence. SARTs…


Using A Ten-Factor Framework for SART Effectiveness for STOP Grant Making Strategies

The Services * Training * Officers * Prosecutors (STOP) Violence Against Women Formula Grant works to improve the legal response to violent crimes against women…


Serving Survivors in Confinement: A Handbook for Minnesota Advocates

Victims/survivors in confinement are both highly vulnerable and profoundly underserved. In addition to the large number of victims/survivors who experienced sexual violence prior to their…



Restitution is the money a judge orders the offender to pay to the victim to compensate the victim for losses related to the crime. Restitution…


Guidelines for Record-Keeping for Sexual Assault Advocates

This resource is available only to MNCASA Partner Program members through Coalition Manager. If you are a Partner Program member and unable to login to…


Full Faith and Credit: Enforcement of Protection Orders Across State Lines

This resource is available only to MNCASA Partner Program members through Coalition Manager. If you are a Partner Program member and unable to login to…


Limitations on the Use of Polygraph Exams in Criminal Sexual Conduct Cases

This resource is available only to MNCASA Partner Program members through Coalition Manager. If you are a Partner Program member and unable to login to…